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商城:The Walking Company 2018-01-18
﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌🍾101、beyond recallSomething which is beyond recall is impossible to retrieve, cancel or reverse.表达某事是不可挽回的

I'm afraid we can't recover the pictures - your camera is beyond recall.102、beyond redemptionIf something is beyond redemption, it is in such a poor state that there is no hope of improvement or recovery.表达某事是万劫不复,不可救药的

With the latest scandal, his reputation is now beyond redemption.103、bide your timeIf you bide your time, you wait for a good opportunity to do something.表达某人等待好的时机再去做某事

He's not hesitating, he's just biding his time, waiting for the price to drop.104、big cheeseThis expression refers to a person who has a lot of power and influence in an organization.表达某人在组织或者团队里有很大的权利或者影响力

Tom's father is a big cheese in the oil industry.105、big fish in a small pondThis term refers to an important or highly-ranked person in a small group or organization.表达某人是小地方的大人物

He could get a job with a big company but he enjoys being a big fish in a small pond.106、big pictureIf you talk about the big picture, you refer to the overall situation,or the project as a whole rather than the details.表达不拘小节,注重整体的情况

While each aspect is important, try not to forget the big picture.107、bill of healthIf a person has a clean bill of health, they have a report or certificate declaring that their health is satisfactory.表达证明身体健康的证书

All candidates for the position must produce a clean bill of health.108、binge drinkingThis term refers to heavy drinking where large quantities of alcohol are consumed in a short space of time, often among young people in rowdy groups.表达某人是个酒鬼,或者嗜酒的行为

Binge drinking is becoming a major problem in some European countries.109、birds of a featherTo say that two people are birds of a feather means that they are very similar in many ways.表达两个人是同种类型的人,一丘之貉

No wonder they get on well. They're birds of a feather!110、for the birdsIf you think something is for the birds, you consider it to be uninteresting, useless or not to be taken seriously.表达某事是荒唐可笑,毫无价值的

As far as I'm concerned, his theory is for the birds.⛳️111、birthday suitThis humorous expression means that you are wearing nothing.表达某人赤身裸体

The bathroom door blew open, and there I was in my birthday suit!112、take the biscuitThis expression refers to something very irritating or annoying.表达某事是很恼人的

After waiting for an hour, we were told that there were no seats left. That really took the biscuit!113、bite the bulletIf you bite the bullet, you accept something unpleasant because you cannot avoid it.表达某人硬着头皮做不愉快的事

If you don't have health insurance, you have to bite the bullet and pay the hospital fees.114、bite the dustThe expression 'bite' or 'hit the dust' is a humorous way of referring to death.表达与死亡相关的话题,如献身等

It's a story about an old cowboy who hits the dust during a train robbery.115、bite off more than you can chewIf you bite off more than you can chew, you try to do something that is too difficult for you, or more than you can manage.表达某人不自量力

As soon as I started to translate the report, I realized that I had bitten off more than I could chew.116、get a second bite at the cherryThis expression means that you get a second opportunity to do or try something.表达某人有第二次机会去做某事

He was eliminated in the semi-finals, but he'll get a second bite at the cherry next year.117、bite the hand that feeds youIf you bite the hand that feeds you, you are unfriendly or do harm to someone who is kind to you.表达某人恩将仇报,伤害曾经帮助过自己的人

If you say bad things about the person who gives you a job, you bite the hand that feeds you.118、bite someone's head offIf you bite someone's head off, you criticize them strongly (and perhaps unfairly).表达严厉斥责某人

I worked 10 hours a day all week and my boss bit my head off for not doing my share of the work!119、bite one's tongueIf you bite your tongue, you try not to say what you really think or feel.表达某人没把真实的想法和感受说出来

It was difficult for me not to react; I had to bite my tongue.120、bitten by the bugIf you develop a sudden interest or enthusiasm for something, you are bitten by the bug.表达某人突然对某事感兴趣

My dad decided to take up golf and was immediately bitten by the bug.🚕121、once bitten twice shyThis is said by someone who has had an unpleasant experience which has made them more cautious.谚语:一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳

I'm never going to get married again. Once bitten, twice shy!122、bitter pill to swallowSomething very unpleasant or difficult to accept is a bitter pill to swallow.表达不得不接受的残酷现实

Losing his job after organizing the merger was a bitter pill to swallow.123、black marketThe black market refers to the illegal buying and selling of goods or currencies.表达黑市

Be careful of what you buy on the black market - it's not always good quality.124、black outIf you black out, you lose consciousness.表达某人失去意识

When Tony saw the needle, he blacked out.125、black sheepThe black sheep is one who behaves very differently or badly, and is considered disreputable by the other members of the family.表达某人是害群之马,败家子

Joe was the black sheep of the family, always getting into trouble.126、black tie eventThis expression refers to a formal event at which men are required to wear a dinner jacket, or tuxedo, and a black bow tie.表达出席正式活动需要穿着正规礼服

I need to know if it's going to be a casual get-together or a black tie event.127、in black and whiteTo say that something is in black and white means that there is written proof of it.表达某事白纸黑字有确凿的依据

It's an obligation. It's in black and white in your contract.128、BlamestormingA discussion among a group of people who try to determine who or what is to blame for a particular mistake, failure or wrongdoing, is called 'blamestorming'.表达团队想方设法找到一个承担错误的替罪羊

A blame stormingsession took place following the unfavourable reviews in the press.129、blank chequeIf you give someone a blank cheque, you authorize them to do what they think is best in a difficult situation.表达某人给出空头支票

Tom was given a blank cheque and told to negotiate the best deal possible.130、wet blanketTo refer to someone as a wet blanket means that they spoil other people's fun, or make an event less enjoyable than it could have been.表达某人很扫兴

Come on Mike! Don't be such a wet blanket. You're spoiling the party!🚘131、blessing in disguiseThis expression refers to something that is unpleasant at first but later turns out to have advantages.表达因祸得福,塞翁失马

Missing the plane was a blessing in disguise - that's how he met his wife. She was a hostess on the next flight!132、blind alleyIf you go up a blind alley, you follow an ineffective course of action which leads nowhere or produces no results.表达某事的发展进入了死胡同

The suspect's 'revelations' lead the police up a blind alley.133、blind as a batSomeone whose vision is very poor, or who is unable to see anything, is (as) blind as a bat.表达某人视力非常差,看不到任何东西

Without his glasses, the old man is as blind as a bat.134、blind leading the blindThis expression describes a person with very little ability trying to help or guide a person with no ability.表达某人不擅长某事还给别人做指导,盲人导盲

Don't ask Sofia to translate it. She hardly speaks a word of English herself. It would be the blind leading the blind.135、blind someone with scienceIf someone tries to blind you with science, they confuse you with their knowledge by using difficult or technical words.表达某人用学术性的晦涩语言让别人感到困惑

When you ask Tim for a simple explanation, he blinds you with science.136、blink of an eyeIf something happens in the blink of an eye, it happens nearly instantaneously, with hardly enough time to notice it.表达某事发生得极快,一眨眼的功夫

The pickpocket disappeared in the blink of an eye.137、on the blinkIf a machine is on the blink, it is not working properly and needs servicing or repair.表达某物发生故障

What a nuisance! The photocopier is on the blink again.138、blockbusterSomething that is outstanding, impressive or particularly successful, such as a film or a book ,is called a blockbuster.表达了不起的人或者事,重磅炸弹

The TV series was a blockbuster.139、makes your blood boilIf something makes your blood boil, it makes you really angry.表达某事让某人非常生气

His condescending attitude made my blood boil!140、makes your blood run coldIf something makes your blood run cold, it shocks or scares you a lot.表达某人受到严重的惊吓,毛骨悚然

The look in the prisoner's eyes made my blood run cold.⚓️141、blood out of a stoneThis expression refers to something that is very difficult to obtain.表达某事非常难做到,极难达到目的

Negotiating a reduction from that company is like getting blood from a stone!142、blood, sweat and tearsA project or action which involves blood, sweat and tears requires a lot of effort and hard work.表达为了做到某事付出了极大的努力

His success wasn't due to luck; it was blood, sweat and tears all the way.143、blot one's copy-bookSomeone who blots their copy-book does something to spoil their good record or reputation.表达某事给某人的名声或者记录抹黑

He blotted his copy-book when he was arrested for speeding.144、blow away the cobwebsIf something blows away the cobwebs, it makes you feel more lively and refreshes your ideas.表达出去透气,或使头脑清醒,或除旧布新

Let's get out of the house. A walk on the beach will blow away the cobwebs!145、blow a fuseIf you blow a fuse, you suddenly lose your temper and become very angry.表达某人的情绪突然失去控制变得非常生气

Charlie blew a fuse yesterday then he discovered that his ipod had been stolen.146、blow a gasketWhen a furious person blows a gasket, they explode with anger.表达某人大发雷霆,勃然大怒

When the shop was burgled for the third time, the owner blew a gasket.147、blow hot and coldIf you blow hot and cold about something, you constantly change your opinion about it.表达某人拿不定主意,反复无常

The boss keeps blowing hot and cold about the marketing campaign - one day he finds it excellent, the next day he wants to make changes.148、blow out of proportionIf you exaggerate the importance of something, you blow it out of proportion.表达某事被夸大事实

The importance of the event was blown out of proportion by the media.149、blow the whistleIf you report an illegal or socially-harmful activity to the authorities, and give information about those responsible for it, you blow the whistle or you are a whistle-blower.表达告发或者揭发某人

He refused to blow the whistle on his boss for fear of losing his job.150、blow up in your faceWhen working on a plan or project, if it suddenly goes wrong or fails, it blows up in your face.表达某人正在做的某事被完全搞砸了

The trip was difficult to organize, but it blew up in his face when the airline company went on strike.⛽️151、blow your topIf you blow your top, you suddenly become very angry.表达某人突然变得很生气

When my mother saw the state of the house after the party, she blew her top!152、blue around the gillsIf a person looks blue around gills, (or green or pale) they look unwell or sick.表达某人看起来状态不好,或者生病了

You should sit down. You look a bit blue around the gills.153、blue chip companyThis term refers to a company with a solid reputation for the quality of its products and the stability of its growth and earnings.表达发展得很好的一流公司

It's usually safe to invest in a blue chip company.154、blue in the faceIf you do something until you are blue in the face, you try unsuccessfully to do something for a very long time.表达某人气急败坏,脸色发青

I explained the situation until I was blue in the face but she wouldn't change her mind.155、feel blueTo feel blue means to have feelings of deep sadness or depression.表达某人心情沮丧,闷闷不乐

I'm going to see my grandmother. She's feeling a bit blue at the moment.156、blue-eyed boyA blue-eyed boy is someone's favourite.表达某人很受宠爱

He's the director's blue-eyed boy!157、out of the blueIf something happens out of the blue, it happens very unexpectedly.表达某事出乎意料

I had nearly given up hope when out of the blue I was offered a job.158、(scream) blue murderSomeone who screams blue murder shouts or complains very loudly as if something very serious has happened.表达某人大声抱怨,高声叫嚷

The crowd started screaming blue murder when the football match was interrupted.159、above boardIf a situation or business is described as above board, it is open, honest and legal.表达某事光明正大,公平透明的

There are not secret negotiations. Our dealings have always been above board.160、in the same boatIf two or more parties are in the same boat, they are in the same unpleasant or difficult situation.表达双方站在同一阵营,一条线上的蚂蚱

When the factory closed down, the workers all found themselves in the same boat.🚧161、miss the boatIf you miss the boat, you fail to take advantage of an opportunity because you don't act quickly enough.表达错失良机

I managed to get my order through before the end of the special offer - but I nearly missed the boat!162、bodice-ripperA novel, usually on a historical theme, with a plot that involves romantic passion between a vulnerable heroine and a rich, powerful male character, is called a bodice-ripper.表达旧时代的情色电影或小说

The novel is a bodice-ripper set in the French revolution.163、the mind bogglesThe expression 'the mind boggles' is used as a reaction to something you find amazing or difficult to understand.表达某事难以置信

She crossed the Atlantic alone - can you imagine? - the mind boggles!164、boil the oceanTo “boil the ocean” means to waste time on a task or project that is unnecessary, not worth doing or impossible to achieve.表达某事好高骛远

“I expect you to do the job well but don’t try to boil the ocean!”165、bold as brassSomeone who is as bold as brass behaves without shame or embarrassment.表达某人厚颜无耻

Bold as brass, he refused the gift and handed it back to his mother-in-law.166、bolt from the blueTo refer to something as a bolt from the blue means that it happened totally unexpectedly.表达某事发生得出乎意料

The chairman's resignation came as a bolt from the blue.167、bone of contentionA bone of contention is a matter or subject about which there is a lot of disagreement.表达某事是争论的焦点

The salaries have been agreed on, but opening on Sundays is still a bone of contention.168、bone to pick with someoneIf you have a bone to pick with someone, you are annoyed with them and want to talk to them about it.表达和某人争论或者争吵某事

Mark wants to see the boss. He says he's got a bone to pick with him.169、make no bones about itIf you make no bones about something, you don't hesitate to say something in a frank and open way.表达某人直言不讳的说某事

I made no bones about it. I told him his offer was unacceptable.170、you can't judge a book by its coverThis expression means that you should not form an opinion about something from its appearance only.表达以外表来判断某事,以貌取人

He leads a very simple life but in fact he's an extremely rich man. - you can't judge a book by its cover.🏜171、in someone's good/bad booksIf you are in somebody's good or bad books, you have their approval or disapproval.表达某人另人喜欢或者令人讨厌

I'm in my wife's bad books at the moment because I forgot our wedding anniversary.172、lick somebody's bootsTo say that one person licks another person's boots means that they are trying to please that person, often in order to obtain something.表达为了达到某种目的而讨好某人,拍马屁

There's no need to lick the manager's boots. Just do your job!173、too big for one's bootsA person who is getting too big for their boots is behaving as if they were more important than they really are.表达某人把自己想得比实际上重要

Tom's really getting too big for his boots since he got a promotion - he hardly says hello any more!174、bored to tears(distraction/death/silly)If you find something so dull and uninteresting that it makes you sad enough to cry, you are bored to tears.表达某人闲得发慌,或者厌烦某事

I could see that my son was bored to tears by the historical documentary.175、born with a silver spoon in one's mouthA person who is born with a silver spoon in their mouth is born into a very rich family.表达某人出生富裕

She never has to worry about money; she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.176、I wasn't born yesterdayThis expression is used to indicate that you are not as foolish or as easily deceived as some people seem to think.表达某人不是别人想的那么容易糊弄,不是三岁小孩

Stop inventing silly excuses. I wasn't born yesterday you know!177、botch up/make a botch ofIf you spoil something, or make a mess of it, by doing a job badly or incorrectly, you make a botch of it or you botch it up.表达把某事弄糟了

Danny tried to assemble the new desk, but he made a botch of it.178、on the bottleA person who drinks alcohol often and regularly is on the bottle.表达某人酗酒

John went on the bottle when he lost his job.179、bottom fell outWhen something causes a plan, project or venture to collapse or fail, the bottom falls out of it.表达因某事发生而使情况恶化,或者计划失败

When heavy rain was announced, the bottom fell out of their plans for a beach party.180、bounce off the wallsSomeone who is very excited about something, or full of nervous energy, is said to be bouncing off the walls.表达某人对某事感到很激动

Danny can't wait to start his new job. He's bouncing off the walls.🏝181、bow and scrapeTo say that someone is bowing and scraping means that they are being excessively polite or servile.表达某人过分礼貌或者屈从,卑躬屈膝

The President was greeted with much bowing and scraping.182、brain drainThe departure of highly qualified people (scientists, engineers, etc.) for other countries, where they have better opportunities and usually better pay, is called the brain drain.表达人才流失

183、brain like a sieveSomeone who has a brain like a sieve has a very bad memory and forgets things easily.表达某人很容易忘记事情,记忆力很差

Oh, I forgot to buy the bread - I've got a brain like a sieve these days!184、have something on the brainIf you have something on the brain, you think or talk abut it all constantly.表达某人一直想着或者谈论某事

Stop talking about golf. You've got golf on the brain!185、brains behind somethingSomeone who is the brains behind a project or action is the person thought to have planned and organized everything.表达某人是某件事情的幕后操手

The police have arrested a man believed to be the brains behind the bank robbery.186、no-brainerA decision or choice that requires little or no thought, because the best option is so obvious, is called a no-brainer.表达某事太显而易见,根本不用想

The choice was between a cash refund or having the amount credited to my account - it was a no-brainer. I took the cash!187、get down to brass tacksWhen people get down to brass tacks, they start to discuss the essential aspects of a problem or situation.表达讨论实质的问题

The situation was so serious that after a few polite exchanges they quickly got down to brass tacks.188、all brawn and no brainSomeone who is physically very strong but not very intelligent is said to be all brawn and no brain.表达某人四肢发达,头脑简单

He's an impressive player to watch, but he's all brawn and no brain.189、know which side your bread is butteredIf you know which side your bread is buttered, you know where your interests lie or what will be to your advantage.表达某人知道怎样做才会对自己有利

Jack never argues with his father-in-law. He knows which side his bread is buttered.190、take the bread out of somebody's mouthIf you take the bread out of somebody's mouth, you take away their means of earning a living.表达某人某事抢走别人的饭碗,不给别人留活路

The decision to ban street vendors took the bread out of the mouths of many people.🌈191、on the breadlinePeople who live on the breadline have a very low income or barely enough money to survive.表达某人挣扎在生活线上,勉强得以生存

Due to the recent crisis, there are more people on the breadline than ever before.192、break your backIf you work extremely hard, or put a lot of effort into achieving something, you break your back to do it.表达为了达成目标而卖命工作,极为努力

If you want the job done well, you should accept to pay more. He's not going to break his back for such a low price!193、break the back of the beastIf someone breaks the back of the beast, they succeed in overcoming a major difficulty.表达某人战胜了最大的困难

After hours of effort, the technicians finally broke the back of the beast and turned the electricity back on again.194、break fresh groundIf you break fresh ground, you innovate by introducing or developing a new method or system.表达某人通过引进新方法来进行改革和创新

Scientists have broken fresh ground in their exploration of outer space.195、break a leg!This is a humorous way of wishing someone good luck, especially among stage performers.表达祝福某人好运

So tonight's the opening night? Break a leg!196、break the mouldIf you change what people expect from a (traditional) situation, especially by doing something original, you break the mould.表达通过做某事而打破常规刻板印象

After generations of doctors in the family, he broke the mould by becoming a fashion designer.197、break every rule in the bookIf you behave in a completely unacceptable way, you break every rule in the book.表达以完全不同的方式做事,挑战常规

Our competitors obtained the contract by breaking every rule in the book.198、break out in cold sweatIf you break out in a cold sweat, you begin to perspire a lot, usually from anxiety.表达吓出一身冷汗

I get nervous at the dentist's and usually break out in a cold sweat.199、breaking and enteringThis term refers to the fact of entering a building or home illegally by breaking open a window, door, etc.表达非法闯入他人住宅

The two men were found guilty of breaking and entering.200、breathe down someone's neckIf someone is breathing down your neck, they are watching you too closely and making you feel uncomfortable.表达紧盯着某人让人感觉很不舒服

The atmosphere at work is not great; the boss keeps breathing down our necks all the time.🏦201、a breezeTo say that something was a breeze means that it was very easy or that everything went smoothly.表达某事很容易做到,或者进展很顺利

The interview was a breeze - barely 10 minutes and I got the job!202、bricks and mortar/bricks and clicksAn established trading company (office/shop) is referred to as a 'brick-and-mortar' business.'Click companies' refer to internet-based operations.Companies which do both are called 'bricks and clicks'.表达传统的实体店 / 在线电子商务Click businesses are usually more flexible than brick-and-mortar operations.203、bright-eyed and bushy-tailedA person who is bright-eyed and bushy-tailed is very enthusiastic and full of energy.表达某人机警灵活,精神饱满的

Gary was fantastic. He arrived bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at 7am and worked with us all day.204、bring the house downIf you bring the house down, you give a very successful performance.表达某人表演很成功,赢得热烈的掌声

If he sings like that on Saturday, he'll bring the house down.205、bring nothing to the tableIf you participate in negotiations and bring nothing to the table, you have nothing of interest to offer the other side.表达对别人提出的任何东西都不感兴趣

We'll never reach an agreement if we don't all bring something to the table.206、bring someone to heelIf you force someone to behave in a disciplined manner, you bring them to heel.表达使某人就范,或者听命于你

The boy had always behaved badly, but the new headmaster managed to bring him to heel.207、bring up the rearSomeone who brings up the rear is the last person in a group of people who are walking or running.表达某人在队列末尾,断后

The pupils walked calmly down the corridor, with the teacher bringing up the rear.208、broad daylightIf something happens in broad daylight, it takes place in the clear light of day when everyone can see what's going on.表达某事发生在光天化日之下

His car was stolen in front of the bank, in broad daylight, and apparently there was not one witness!209、broad as it's longThis expression means that there is no real difference which alternative is chosen.表达在选择范围内,选哪个都没有什么差别

Take the high-speed train, or fly and take a taxi? It's as broad as it's long.210、broad strokesIf something is described or defined with/in broad strokes, it is outlined in a very general way, without any details.表达做某事粗枝大叶,不注重细节

In a few broad strokes he summed up the situation.🏪211、brown as a berryTo say that someone is as brown as a berry means that they are very tanned.表达某人皮肤黝黑,晒黑了

Judy came back from her holiday as brown as a berry.212、browned offIf you are browned off, you are bored, fed up or disheartened.表达某人很厌烦,或者很沮丧

Tom is browned off with his job.213、have a brush withWhen you have a brush with something, such as the law, you encounter or experience it briefly.表达与某事发生冲突,或者不期而遇

Had a brush with the law for speeding a few years ago, but he has had a clean record ever since.214、the bubble has burstTo say that the bubble has burst means that the success of an idea, a product or a situation has suddenly stopped.表达正在做的某事突然停止,或者幻想破灭

The video game was a phenomenal success but the bubble has burst.215、pass the buckIf you say that someone is passing the buck, you are accusing them of not taking responsibility for a problem and expecting someone else to handle it.表达把为难的事推给别人,推卸责任

Sam takes the easy way out. Whenever a problem arises, he immediately passes the buck!216、kick the bucketTo kick the bucket is a lighthearted way of talking about death.表达某人去世

He will inherit when his grandfather kicks the bucket!217、buckle downIf you buckle down, you apply yourself with determination to hard work and give it hour full attention.表达全力以赴去做某事

If you want to pass your exams, you'll have to buckle down and do some serious work.218、nip in the budIf you nip a problem or an unacceptable situation in the bud, you stop it at an early stage, before it develops or becomes worse.表达防微杜渐,防范于未然

He wanted to be a clown, but his parents soon nipped that idea in the bud.219、build bridgesIf a person builds bridges between opposing groups, they help them to cooperate and understand each other better.表达中间桥梁,中间人

A mediator is trying to build bridges between the local community and the owners of the new plant.220、take the bull by the hornsTo take the bull by the horns means that a person decides to act decisively in order to deal with a difficult situation or problem.表达不畏艰难险阻地做某事,迎难而上

When the argument turned into a fight, the bar owner took the bull by the horns and called the police.📞221、bulldoze somebodyinto doing somethingA person who is bulldozed into doing something is forced to do it, especially by being bullied or intimidated.表达强迫,威胁,欺压某人去做某事

The immigrants we bulldozed into accepting the work.222、bundle of nervesIf you describe someone as a bundle of nerves, you mean that they are very nervous, tense or worried.表达某人神经极度紧张

My son is doing his driving test today. Needless to say he's a bundle of nerves!223、burden of proofThe burden of proof is the necessity imposed by the law to prove that what one says is true.表达提供证据时所负的责任

The burden of proof lies with the claimant.224、burn your bridgesIf you burn your bridges, you do something that will be impossible to rectify in the future.表达过河拆桥,或者断自己的后路

If you refuse the offer, be careful not to burn your bridges by insulting them. They may make a better proposal later.225、burn the candle at both endsIf you burn the candle at both ends, you exhaust yourself by doing too much, especially going to bed late and getting up early.表达做某事过度地消耗精力

Scott looks exhausted - I'll bet he's been burning the candle at both ends lately.226、burn your fingersIf you burn your fingers (or get your fingers burnt), you suffer financially as a result of foolish behaviour.表达某人吃苦头,受了罪

Jack got his fingers burnt playing on the stock market.227、on the back burnerIf you put a project or issue on the back burner, you decide to deal with it at a later date because you do not consider it to be that urgent or important.表示以后再考虑做某事,从长计议

When Julie was offered a promotion she put her MBA plans on the back burner.228、burning questionWhat everyone is asking, and what we all want to know about, is called the burning question.表达某事是大家都在讨论的问题

Who leaked the information? That's the burning question!229、bury head in sandIf you bury your head in the sand, you refuse to face the unpleasant reality by pretending that the situation doesn't exist.表达某人拒绝面对现实,或者假装某事没有发生

It's no good burying your head in the sand. We've got a problem on our hands.230、bury the hatchetWhen people who have had a disagreement decide to forget their quarrel and become friends again, they bury the hatchet.表达和解,或者停战

I didn't agree with my colleague's decision, but for the sake of peace, I decided to bury the hatchet.☎️231、business as usualAfter an unpleasant or unexpected event, this expression means that everything is continuing in a normal way, in spite of the difficulties.表达一切正常,或者照常营业

It was business as usual at the supermarket the day after the hold-up.232、business before pleasureThis expression means that it is considered preferable to finish one's work before going to relax and enjoy oneself.表达先工作再享乐,先苦后甜

I'd love to have lunch with you but I've got a report to finish - business before pleasure I'm afraid!233、business is businessThis is a way of saying that in financial and commercial matters, friendship or personal feelings should not be allowed to have any influence.表达公事公办,就事论事

I'll hire your brother only if he is the best candidate. I'm sorry but business is business!234、businessman's holidayA businessman's holiday is when you spend your spare time or your holidays doing the same sort of activity as you do in your job.表达空闲时间做的事都在像工作一样

My husband is a chef, so for him time off with the family is often a businessman's holiday!235、butter somebody upWhen you butter someone up, you flatter them or you are very nice to them, especially if you want to obtain something.表达为了达到目的而奉承某人,巴结某人

He was so keen to get the job that he spent his time buttering up the boss.236、butter wouldn't melt in your mouthIf you say that someone looks as if butter wouldn't melt in their mouth, you mean that they look completely innocent, but that they are capable of doing unpleasant things.表达某人看似无辜实则不然,或者道貌岸然

The boy who stole the purse looked as if butter wouldn't melt in his mouth.237、butterflies in your stomachIf you have butterflies in your stomach, you are feeling very nervous.表达某人很紧张

At the beginning of an exam, I always have butterflies in my stomach.238、buy a lemonIf buy something, especially a car, that is defective, unsatisfactory, constantly gives trouble or stops running after a short time, you buy a lemon.表达买了一辆经常出问题的车,花钱买罪受

The car I bought was a real lemon. It broke down two weeks later.239、by degreesIf something happens or develops by degrees, it happens gradually or little by little as time goes by.表达某事一点点,逐渐发生

By degrees their business relationship grew into friendship.