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商城:Bang Good 2018-01-18


♦️双十一零基础口语课全年最低价❗️1、· leave somebody holding the baby.If someone is left holding the baby, they are made responsible for a problem that others don't want to deal with.表示把不愿意解决的问题丢给别人

"When the angry customer started to complain, my colleague disappeared and left me holding the baby."2、· back-room boysThis term refers to people who do important work but have no contact with the public.表达幕后工作者

"Back-room boys don't always receive the credit they deserve for their work."3、· back-of-the-envelope calculationThis expression refers to a quick approximate calculation done informally, as on the back of an envelope.表示非正式的快速对某事进行估计,就像把信封粘起来一样快

"I don't need the exact amount. Just give me a back-of-the-envelope calculation."4、· back of beyondAn isolated place located far from any town is said to be in the back of beyond.表示前不着村,后不着店的地方

"It took us hours to find Jack's house. He lives in the back of beyond."5、· (like the) back of one's handIf you know something like the back of your hand, you are very familiar with it and know it in detail.表示对某事很熟悉很了解

"Of course I won't get lost. I know London like the back of my hand!"6、· back into shapeTo get yourself back into shape, you need to take some exercise in order to become fit and healthy again.表示为了获得良好的身材而进行锻炼

"Eva decided she'd have to get back into shape before looking for a job."7、· back on your feetIf you are back on your feet, after an illness or an accident, you are physically healthy again.表示在病痛或者意外之后,身体再次恢复了健康状态

"My grandmother had a bad 'flu but she's back on her feet again."8、· back to the salt minesSaying that you have to go back to the salt mines is a humorous way of talking about returning to work, usually with some reluctance.表示很不情愿,但必须要开始工作

"We get two days off at Christmas and then it's back to the salt mines!"9、· back to square oneTo say that someone is back to square one means that they have not succeeded in what they were trying to do, so they have to start again.表示某人正在尝试的某事没有成功,必须再来一次

"When the plans were refused, it was back to square one for the architect."10、· back to the wallIf you have your back to the wall, you are in serious difficulty with very few options available.表示某人陷入困境,走投无路

"With his back to the wall, the supplier had to accept the deal."🐸11、· back the wrong horseIf you back or bet on the wrong horse, for example the loser in a contest, match or election, you support the wrong person.表示在比赛或选举当中你站错持方,支持输家

"When I voted for him I was convinced he would win, but I backed the wrong horse!"12、· backhanded complimentA remark that appears to express admiration but could also be interpreted as an insult is called a backhanded compliment.表示听起来是称赞,但实际上是在挖苦讽刺

"He said my presentation was "surprisingly clear". How's that for a backhanded compliment! Does that mean that I am usually not clear ?"13、· backseat driverA passenger in a car who gives unwanted advice to the driver is called a backseat driver.表示某人给你一些你不想要的建议

"I can't stand backseat drivers like my mother-in-law!"14、· bad eggSomeone who is a bad egg is an untrustworthy person often involved in trouble whose company should be avoided.表示经常陷入麻烦之中不靠谱的人

"I don't want my son to be friends with Bobby Smith. Bobby's a bad egg."15、· bad hair dayOriginating as a humorous comment about one's hair being unmanageable, this term had broadened to mean 'a day when everything seems to go wrong'.表示什么都不对劲的一天

"What's wrong with Jenny? Is she having a bad hair day?"16、· (in) bad shapeA person who is in bad shape is in poor physical condition.表示某人身体状况很差

"I really am in bad shape. I must do more exercise."17、badger someoneIf you badger someone into doing something, you persistently nag or pester them until you obtain what you want.表示你不停的骚扰某人直到达成你的目标

Sophie badgered her parents into buying her a new computer.18、bag of bonesTo say that someone is a bag of bones means that they are extremely thin.表示某人很消瘦,皮包骨头

When he came home from the war he was a bag of bones.19、bag of tricksIf you use your (whole) bag of tricks to do something, you try (all) the clever methods you know in order to succeed.表示通往成功的锦囊妙计

Let's call on George and his bag of tricks; maybe he can help us solve the problem.20、in the bagPeople use this expression when it becomes obvious that success or victory is going to be achieved.表示某事胜券在握

An hour before the polling stations closed, victory seemed in the bag for the Conservative candidate.🐸21、bait and switchThis term refers to a deceptive commercial practice of advertising a low-priced item to attract customers, then telling them that the product is out of stock and persuading them to buy a more expensive article.表示商家诱导购买产品

This store is famous for its bait and switch tactics.22、in the balanceIf something is in the balance, the situation is uncertain and it is not clear what is going to happen.表达某事悬而未决,不确定

The future of the company is in the balance while the takeover bid is being examined.23、balancing actWhen you try to satisfy two or more people or groups who have different needs, and keep everyone happy, you perform a balancing act.表达你为了使很多人满意而兼顾多方,或左右逢源

Many people, especially women, have to perform a balancing act between work and family.24、ball and chainThis term refers to a burden or problem that ties you down and prevents you from doing what you want. It can also refer to one's spouse.表示某事是枷锁和拖累,也可表达某人的配偶

Our holiday home has become a ball and chain - it's too much work!25、ball is in your courtIf the ball is in your court, it is your turn to speak or act next.表达下一个轮到某人上场

We gave the manager a list of complaints, so the ball is in his court now.26、have a ballIf you have a ball you enjoy yourself immensely.表达玩得很开心很投入

The party was great. We had a ball.27、on the ballIf you are on the ball, you are aware of what is happening and are able to deal with things quickly and intelligently.表达某人能够又快又好的解决将要发生的某事

We need someone who is really on the ball to head the fund-raising campaign.28、start the ball rollingIf you start the ball rolling, you begin an activity in which other people will join.表达某人开始运行某事

Let's start the ball rolling by calling on our first speaker.29、that's the way the ball bouncesThings don't always work out as planned, and there's nothing we can do about it - that's life.表达某事没有像预想的那样发生,但无力改变

He didn't get the prize he expected, but never mind - that's the way the ball bounces.30、whole new ball gameTo refer to something as a whole new ball game means that it is a completely different situation due to a new set of circumstances.表达这是一个全新的局面

Email and text messaging have made communication a whole new ball game.🐸31、ballpark figureIf someone gives a ballpark figure, they give an approximate number or a rough estimate of the cost of something.表达所花费费用的大概数字

I don't know exactly how much it will cost, but a ballpark figure would be around $100 000.32、(load of) baloneyThis term refers to idle talk, or pretentious, untrue or insincere statements that nobody can believe.表示某事都是胡扯

That's a load of baloney! I don't believe a word of it!33、bandit territoryA geographical area where law enforcement is practically impossible, because people ignore all rules, is called 'bandit territory'.表达某个不受法律控制的地方,也称为“土匪领地”

There are a certain number of bandit territories in the world where travellers are advised not to go.34、jump on the bandwagonIf a person or organization jumps on the bandwagon, they decide to do something when it is already successful or fashionable.表达某人某事决定进军已经很成功或很潮流的事物中

When organic food became fashionable, certain stores were quick to jump on the bandwagon and promote it.35、bane of one's lifeTo say that something is the bane of your life means that it is the cause of your problems or your unhappiness.表达某事是人生不幸的源泉

The heating system is always breaking down. It's the bane of my life!36、bang one's head against a brick wallIf you bang or knock your head against a brick wall, you continue vainly to try to achieve something in spite of several unsuccessful attempts.表达白费力气,以卵击石

I've been banging my head against a brick wall trying to explain the internet to my grandmother!37、bar flyA bar fly is someone who spends a lot of time drinking in bars and pubs.表达某人很多时间都泡在酒吧里

You'll find Johnny down at the pub - he's a real bar fly.38、bare one's soulIf you bare you soul (or heart) to someone, you reveal your innermost thoughts and feelings to them.表达某人向别人吐露心声

Mike couldn't keep things to himself any longer. He decided to bare his soul to his best friend.39、barefaced liarSomeone who lies easily, with a total lack of shame, is a barefaced liar.表达某人恬不知耻,厚颜无耻

That barefaced liar stole my watch and said he'd found it!40、bargain huntingIf you go bargain hunting, you spend time in the shops looking for items to buy at the lowest price.表达购买便宜的产品

During the sales I go bargain hunting with my friends.🐸41、barking up the wrong treeA person who is barking up the wrong tree is doing the wrong thing, because their beliefs or ideas are incorrect or mistaken.表达某人因为想法错误而做错某事

The police are barking up the wrong tree if they think Joey stole the car - he can't drive!42、barrel of laughsSomeone who is a barrel of laughs is very funny or entertaining.表达某人很有趣

Let's invite Johnny. He's such a barrel of laughs!43、basket caseA person whose agitated mental state leaves them helpless or unable to cope with things is called a basket case.表达某人完全看不到希望

Jenny will turn into a basket case if this stressful situation continues.44、bats in the belfryIf you say that somebody has bats in the belfry, you mean that they are eccentric or crazy.表达某人很古怪

He comes up with the craziest ideas - he's got bats in the belfry!45、bated breathIf you wait for something with bated breath, you are both anxious and excited about an imminent event.表达对即将发生的某事很紧张,屏息以待

We waited with bated breath for the winner to be announced.46、batten down the hatchesWhen you batten down the hatches, you prepare yourself for trouble or a forthcoming difficult period, like a ship preparing for a storm.表达你已经做好迎接困难时期的准备

Here comes that trouble-making guy. Batten down the hatches!47、battle lines are drawnThis expression is used to say that opposing groups are ready to defend the reason behind the conflict.表达对立的两方已经做好战斗准备

The battle lines have been drawn between those who accept the changes and those who are against the proposed reforms.48、battle of willsA conflict, argument or struggle where both sides are determined to win is described as a battle of wills.表达战斗双方都觉得自己会赢,意志的较量

When they separated, neither party would make concessions - it was a battle of wills.49、be full of beansA person who is full of beans is lively, healthy and active.表达某人身体和精神状态都很好,生龙活虎

He may be getting old but he's still full of beans.50、be my guestThis expression is used to give someone permission to do something.表达允许某人做某事

If you'd like to use the phone, be my guest.🐸51、be-all and end-allTo say that something is not the be-all and end-all means that it is not what matters most or what is most essential.表达某事的根本特点,宗旨

Good schools are not the be-all and end-all of educating a child.52、be that as it mayThis expression means that what the speaker says may be true but it will not change the situation.表达别人说的某事可能是真的,也可能情况有变

OK. Fewer people may come because of the bad weather, but be that as it may, it's too late to cancel the show.53、bear the bruntA person who bears the brunt of something is the one who suffers the most when something bad or unpleasant happens.表达当不幸发生时最受伤的那个人

When things go wrong, his assistant always has to bear the brunt of his anger.54、bear fruitIf something bears fruit, it produces positive or successful results.表达某事的成果是积极成功的

After years of hard work, his research finally began to bear fruit.55、bear in mindIf a person asks you to bear something in mind, they are asking you to remember it because it is important.表达记住重要的某事

You must bear in mind that the cost of living is higher in New York.56、bear with a sore headIf someone is behaving like a bear with a sore head, they are very irritable and bad-tempered.表达某人脾气暴躁,性情易怒

When his team lost the match, Brad was like a bear with a sore head.57、beard the lion in his denIf you visit someone important in the place where they work, in order to challenge him/her or obtain something, you beard the lion in his den.表达太岁头上动土,虎口拔牙

If he continues to refuse my calls, I'll have to beard the lion in his den.58、beat one's brain outIf someone beats their brains out, they try very hard to understand something or solve a problem.表达某人很努力地去理解某事或者解决问题

My grandmother beats her brains out every evening trying to do the crossword puzzle in the newspaper.59、beat around the bushThis expression is used to tell someone to say what they have to say, unclear and indirect, even if it is unpleasant.表达某人说话拐弯抹角

Stop beating around the bush. Just tell me what has been decided!60、beat/flog a dead horseTo say that someone is beating a dead horse means that they are wasting time and effort trying to do or achieve something that is impossible.表达做某事浪费精力,徒劳无功

Mark is beating a dead horse trying to get his money reimbursed.The company has gone bankrupt!🐸61、beat a hasty retreatSomeone who beats a (hasty) retreat runs away or goes back hurriedly to avoid a dangerous or difficult situation.表达为避免危险的情景而紧急撤退

The thief beat a hasty retreat as soon as he saw the security officer.62、beat/knock the (living) daylightsIf a person beats the (living) daylights out of another, they hit them very hard and repeatedly.表达狠揍某人

If I catch you stealing again I'll beat the daylights out of you!63、beat someone to the drawIf you beat someone to the draw, you react more quickly and manage to do something before they do.表达先发制人

Ross was determined to be the first to arrive. He managed to beat the others to the draw.64、it beats me!This expression is used to express surprise at something that you find difficult to understand.表达某人不能理解某事

It beats me how he can live in that horrible apartment!65、at someone's beck and callIf a person is at someone's beck and call, they are always ready to do things for them or obey orders to please them.表达对某人唯命是从

Parents should not be at the beck and call of their children.66、bee in one's bonnetSomeone who has a bee in their bonnet has an idea which constantly occupies their thoughts.表达某人对某事想得入迷

She's got a bee in her bonnet about moving to New York.67、bee's kneesTo say that someone/something is the bee's knees means that the speaker thinks they are exceptionally good.表达某人某事是最好的,顶尖的

If you say "Chloe thinks she's the bee's knees" you mean that Chloe has a high opinion of herself.68、beef something upIf you beef something up, you improve it by making it stronger or more substantial.表达加强或者提高某事

You'd better beef up your arguments if you want to defend your case.69、been in/through the warsIf a person or thing has been in or through the wars, they show signs of rough treatment, injury or damage.表达某人某事经历过残酷的对待或者受过严重的伤害

He arrived in a car that looked as though it had been through the wars.70、been there, done thatThe expression is used to indicate that the speaker is familiar with the situation mentioned. It can also refer to an attitude which reflects a certain boredom at the idea of repeating an experience that has lost its novelty.表达已经做过某事,或者表达已经玩腻了这种把戏

His suggestions produced a 'been there, done that' attitude which undermined his enthusiasm.🐸71、before the ink is dryIf people reach an agreement, and then change their minds immediately afterwards, the change occurs 'before the ink is dry'.表达决定某事之后立即改变

You can never tell when he's serious. He's capable of changing his mind before the ink is dry!72、before you know itIf something takes place so suddenly that you don't have time to become aware of it, it happens before you know it or before you know where you are.表达还来不及注意,某事就发生了

The doorbell rang, and before we knew it a surprise birthday party was under way!73、before your very eyesIf someone does something before your very eyes, they do it in front of you, without attempting to hide what they are doing.表达某人不加掩饰地在你面前做某事

Before my very eyes, he took the rubbish and threw it into the neighbour's garden.74、beggars can't be choosersThis expression means that you should not reject an offer if it is the only possibility you have. You have no choice.表达某人没有选择的余地

"Beggars can't be choosers!"75、behind barsSomeone who is behind bars is in prison.表达某人在监狱里

If you hang around with that gang, you'll find yourself behind bars in no time!76、behind closed doorsIf something takes place behind closed doors, it is done privately, with no observers or intruders.表达某事在暗中,秘密地进行

The matter was discussed behind closed doors.77、behind the timesA person who is behind the times has old-fashioned ideas and does not keep up with modern life in general.表达某人已经过时了,跟不上潮流

Jane doesn't have a mobile phone. She's completely behind the times.78、ring a bellIf something rings a bell, it is vaguely familiar to you, but you can't remember the exact details.表达你对某人某事有模糊的印象但不清楚具体细节

John Bentley? The name rings a bell but I don't remember him.79、with bells onIf you go somewhere with bells on, you are delighted and eager to go there.表达你很高兴或者很渴望去某个地方

Of course I'll be there - with bells on!80、below the beltAn action or remark described as below the belt is considered to be unfair or cruel.表达某事是不公平,不正当的行为

Politicians sometimes use personal information to hit their rivals below the belt.🐸81、tighten your beltIf you need to tighten your belt, you must spend less money or be careful how you spend it because there is less available.表达预算紧张,勒紧裤腰带过日子

Another bill? I'll have to tighten my belt this month!82、under one's beltIf you have something under your belt, you have acquired experience or have satisfactorily achieved something.表达某人很有经验

You've got to have some work experience under your belt before you can hope to get a permanent job.83、bend over backwardsIf you bend over backwards, you try very hard to do something, especially to please somebody.表达很努力做某事,竭尽全力,常指取悦某人

The manager bent over backwards to try to make Jack stay, but Jack wouldn't change his mind.84、bend the truthIf you bend the truth, you say something that is not entirely true.表达某人说的不完全是真的,歪曲事实

I bent the truth a bit. I told him it was my natural colour, but I didn't say that my hairdresser helped me to keep it natural!85、benefit of the doubtIf you give someone the benefit of the doubt, you choose to believe that the person is innocent, honest or telling the truth, because there is no evidence to the contrary.表达无条件相信某人

Although he found it hard to believe Tom's explanation, the teacher decided to give him the benefit of the doubt.86、bent out of shapeIf you get bent out of shape, you become annoyed or upset about something that is usually not that important or cannot be avoided.表达某人很愤怒,焦躁不安

Don't get bent out of shape if you're delayed. We'll wait for you.87、beside yourselfIf you are beside yourself (with an emotion), you lose your self-control because of the intensity of the emotion you are feeling.表达某人因为强烈的情绪起伏而失控

He was beside himself with grief when he lost his son.88、best betThe action most likely to succeed is called one's best bet.表达某事是最佳措施

Your best bet would be to try calling him at home.89、best of one's abilityWhen someone does something to the best of their ability, they do it as well as they possibly can.表达某人已经尽全力去做某事

I felt nervous all through the interview, but I replied to the questions the best of my ability.90、best of both worldsIf a person has the best of both worlds, they have the benefits and advantages of two different things.表达某事两全其美,或者某人在不同的事情上都有优势

We live in the centre of town, but only 5 minutes from the beach. We have the best of both worlds.🐸91、best foot forwardIf you put your best foot forward, you do something as fast as you can.表达某人用最快速度做某事

It's a long way to the station, but if I put my best foot forward I should catch the next train.92、bet your bottom dollarIf you bet your bottom dollar on something, you are absolutely certain of it.表达某人对某事十分笃定,百分百确信

Jack is very punctual. You can bet your bottom dollar he'll be here at 9 o'clock on the dot.93、better late than neverWhen someone does something late, this remark means that it is better to do it late than not do it at all.表达晚点做某事,也比完全不做要好

Do you know what time it is? You promised you'd come early to help me - but better late than never I suppose!94、better safe than sorryIt's better to be too cautious than to be careless and have regrets later.谚语:谨言慎行不吃亏,轻率莽撞必后悔

Let's book tickets in advance - better safe than sorry!95、better still/worse stillThis expression is used to emphasize that although something is good, bad, etc., something else makes it even better, worse, etc.表达更好的是 / 更糟糕的是

Not only did he get a great offer, but better still, a house and car come with the job.96、think better ofIf you think better of something, you decide not to do what you intended doing.表达重新考虑后决定不做现在的事情

I was going to go shopping, but when I saw the crowded car park,I thought better of it.97、between the devil and the deep blue seaIf you are between the devil and the deep blue sea, you are in a situation where there are to equally unpleasant alternatives.表达左右为难,举步维艰

When the new product didn't take off, the management was caught between the devil and the deep blue sea : develop a new marketing campaign or drop the product.98、it's beyond meTo say 'it's beyond me' means that it is impossible for you to understand.表达某人不可能理解某事,超出他的认知范围

It's beyond me why Mary wants to marry John.99、beyond any reasonable doubtThis is a legal expression which means that something is certain.法律类表达,表示某事是确定的,无疑的

The court established, beyond any reasonable doubt, that the man was innocent.100、beyond one's wildest dreamsIf something is beyond your wildest dreams, it is better than you imagined or hoped for.表达某事大大地超过预期

The research team received a grant from the government that was beyond their wildest dreams.