
最新囤货 Lush

商城:Cosmetic America 2018-01-19
最新囤货 Lush因为刚回加拿大的时候一直爆痘 好朋友@C 看不下去了 推荐我试试lush的这个面膜 听说好多人都是用这款面膜治好了大痘皮哦Lush Cosmetic Warrior 中文叫蒜子兵法 很好笑哈这个面膜没办法代购 因为他的保鲜期只有3周左右 然后还要一直在冰箱里保存 国内的朋友们可以在去腐国的时候带一些 因为lush用的都是新鲜的材料 号称fresh 所以一定要保鲜保险面膜里含的大蒜 茶树油 高岭土等等消炎的东西 刚涂上的时候 我有痘或者粉刺的地方会有一点刺痛 但是过一会儿就好了 敷五到十分钟就OK啦 我连用了四五天 痘痘有明显好转 然后一周用三次左右就OK啦 我脸比较大 一罐目测15次的样子差不多用完 其实真的很便宜很划算 推荐大家试一试🎀From Web🎀全新的新鮮雪糕面膜以蒜頭為首,一個長居於家中廚房的食材跑到護膚產品上,成為女士之愛的面膜!帶來全方位功效,可擊退面部的暗瘡紅印、清潔肌膚、消炎及有效降低敏感性皮膚的問題


A superhero mask to combat spots.The Cosmetic Warrior cleanses dirt, calms and soothes all troubles. Antiseptic fresh garlic and tea tree essential oil, reinforced with deeply cleansing kaolin and fresh grapes, are aided by softening honey and free-range eggs, which help to tighten. There are ten fresh grapes in every pot of Cosmetic Warrior. Gentle and powerful.Our product inventors didn't use an exfoliant in Cosmetic Warrior because abrasions can irritate spots. Cosmetic Warrior is just a powerful and effective product, and remains one of their proudest achievements. green grapesFresh grapes have a degreasing and subtle cleansing action.Fresh is BESTFresh face masks do not contain any preservatives, so need to be kept in the fridge and used within four weeks of manufacture for maximum effect.If you live outside the UK, then please consider the delivery times to your country before adding fresh face masks to your basket. While we are happy to send fresh items, the time remaining after delivery for you to use them may be reduced.LushopediaClick the images below to learn more about our ingredients Perfume Kaolin Fresh Green Grapes Fresh Free Range Eggs Honey Cornstarch Glycerine Fresh Garlic