
十款 澳洲G&M 绵羊油系列

商城:Vitamin World(维他命世界) 2018-01-20
😍来说一说G&M澳洲最出名的绵羊油🐑品牌之一的各种系列护肤霜,物美价廉😄1.G&M 补水维生素E绵羊油日霜&夜霜Lanolin Night & Day CreamsLanolin is a totally natural emollient which has alipid (oil) profile very similar to sebum (skin oil), and therefore contributes moisture to the stratum cornuem (outer layer of the skin).Lanolin adds to the natural protective mantel of the skin to prevent moisture loss.The Night Cream has a higher concentrate, intended for a heavier, more prolonged absorption into the skin overnight, whilst yourrest.The Day Lanolin is a lighter formulation, providing you with all the benefits of lanolin, without being heavy on the skin.羊毛脂夜间和日霜羊毛脂是一种完全天然的润肤剂,具有与皮脂(皮肤油)非常相似的脂肪(油)外形,因此为皮肤的外层(角质层)贡献水分




2. 维e修复面霜Vitamin E Skin Repair CreamLuxurious cream formulated to refresh and soothe dry & damaged skin.Because of its antioxidant activity, vitamin E is vital in protecting skin cells from ultra violet light, pollution, and other elements that produce cell damaging free radicals.Vitamin E also helps reduce the appearance of stretch marks and age spots.维生素E皮肤修复霜豪华霜配方刷新和舒缓干燥和受损的皮肤



3. Emu Oil G&M 祛痘淡斑美白鸸鹋油面霜身体乳Our Emu Oil is purely sourced from sustainable emu farms and is pharmaceutical grade. The oil is a 100% natural derivative ofour national icon and is extracted under the strictest conditions.Historically, Emu Oil has been used by the Aborigines for the treatment of burns, wounds and bruises. With its powerful antioxidant properties, Emu Oil can also be considered for skin cell rejuvenation and anti-wrinkle defence. Emu Oil also offers relief for aching bones and muscles, whilst also helping joint disorders, skin conditions (eczema, psoriasis, and shingles), promotes faster healing and reduced scarring. The Emu Oil secret is its rich fatty acid structure, comprising of Oleic (Omega 9) linoleic (Omega 3 and Omega 6). Omega 9 isananti-inflammatory, whilst nourishing and softening your skin. Omega 6 & 3 maintain the skin’s structural integrity and acts as a barrier function.我们的Em Oil油纯粹来自可持续em far农场,并且是药品级


从历史上看,Em has油被土着用于治疗烧伤,创伤和瘀伤

凭借其强大的抗氧化性能,Em Oil油也可以考虑皮肤细胞年轻化和抗皱防御

Em Oil油还可以缓解肌肉酸痛,同时还可以帮助治疗关节疾病,皮肤病(湿疹,牛皮癣和带状疱疹),促进愈合,减少疤痕

Em Oil油的秘诀是其丰富的脂肪酸结构,由油酸(欧米茄9)亚油酸(欧米茄3和欧米茄6)组成



4. 山羊奶与麦卢卡蜂蜜保湿霜Goats Milk with Manuka Honey Moisturising CreamGoats Milk is a natural wonder, with infusions of milk proteins, vitamins A, B12, B6E, amino acids, and natural lactic acid, which may contribute the regulating of the pH of your skin and stimulate healthy skin renewal. Great option for combination and oily skin types.山羊奶与麦卢卡蜂蜜保湿霜山羊牛奶是一种天然的奇迹,含有牛奶蛋白质,维生素A,B12,B6E,氨基酸和天然乳酸,可能有助于调节皮肤pH值,刺激皮肤健康更新


5. 澳洲G&M坚果油面霜Macadamia Oil CreamA lightweight oil that rapidly absorbs into your skin without feeling greasy. Macadamia nut oil has a fatty acid composition similar to that of sebum in skin, which is crucial to maintaining the skin’s natural hydration. A rich nourishing cream particularly good for mature and dry skins, with it’s high palmioleic oil content (which decreases in skin with ageing) Macadamia oil is high in Omega 9 (moisturising, regenerating and softening) on the skin. Contains Omega 6 (restore the skin’s barrier and helps to reduce water loss) and Omega 7 which reduces with age (Omega 7 contributes to appearance of fine line, wrinkle and weathered skin). Macadamia nut oil has been shown to slow the signs of ageing and has also been used to improve the appearance of scars, sunburn and other minor skin irritations.一种轻盈的油脂,能迅速吸收到皮肤中而不会感到油腻






6.G&M Sorbolene CreamGuaranteed 10% Glycerine to help soften and confine moisture loss from your skin. No added perfumes or colouring, very gentle and safe for sensitive skin including babies. Alleviates the discomfort of eczema, psoriasis, skin irritations & various rashes.保证10%的甘油,以帮助软化和限制从你的皮肤水分损失



7. G&M 柠檬茶树霜Lemon Tea Tree CreamContains a mild natural antiseptic, pure Australian Lemon Tea Tree Oil is an excellent natural remedy for hundreds of bacterial and fungal skin ailments such as acne, abscess, sun burns, athlete's foot, insect bites, rashes, and other minor wounds and irritations. Especially helpful for people with sensitive skin. Helps keep the skin soft and smooth, natural lemon fragrance – no added perfumes. Our special formulation helps keep the natural moisture from escaping and can be used all over the body on all types of skin.柠檬茶树霜含有温和的天然防腐剂,纯澳大利亚柠檬茶树油是数百种细菌和真菌皮肤疾病,如粉刺,脓肿,日光烧伤,脚气,昆虫叮咬,皮疹和其他轻微伤口和刺激的优良自然疗法


有助于保持皮肤柔软光滑,天然柠檬香味 - 不添加香水


8. G&M 绵羊油保湿夜霜Lanolin Night creamLanolin is a totally natural emollient which has alipid (oil) profile very similar to sebum (skin oil), and therefore contributes moisture to the stratum cornuem (outer layer of the skin). Lanolin adds to the natural protective mantel of the skin to prevent moisture loss.The Night Cream has a higher concentrate, intended for a heavier, more prolonged absorption into the skin overnight, whilst yourrest.9. 鳄梨油霜Avocado Oil CreamAvocado oil is particularly good for sensitive skin. Our Avocado Oil cream is blended with Vitamin E and is an excellent productfor after sun skin care. The avocado oil blend offers protection to the skin (to retain moisture) and is super moisturising without being heavy on the skin. Avocado oil has been known to help mobilize and increase the collagen content in connective tissue.鳄梨油奶油鳄梨油对敏感皮肤特别好




10. G&M Kakadu李子润湿的奶油Plum Moisturising CreamThe secret is out. Australia’s Native Kakadu Plum Extract is the world’s richest source of NATURAL Vitamin C. Vitamin C has been scientifically shown to help promote wound healing and also helped protect the skin cells from DNA damage. Vitamin C aids in collagen synthesis which assists in wrinkle reduction, skin firming and anti-aging and new scientific evidence to support reduction in hyper-pigmentation, redness, dark spots and increase in skin lightness. Kakadu Plum is the world’s highest source of Natural Vitamin C containing 3700mg per 100g. An Orange has 53mg of Vitamin C per 100g. That’s 70 times the strength! The Vitamin C found in Kakadu Plum is also the most stable Vitamin C in nature, meaning it holds its nutrient value for much longer. We add the Kakadu Plum after the cream has been made and cooled down, to avoid any breakdown of the powerful Vitamin C complex.Kakadu李子润湿的奶油秘密出来了 澳大利亚原生卡卡杜李子提取物是世界上最丰富的天然维生素C的来源




橙子每100克含有53毫克维生素C. 这是实力的70倍!在卡卡杜李子中发现的维生素C也是自然界中最稳定的维生素C,意味着它具有更长的营养价值
