

商城:Fresh Produce Clothes 2018-01-20
旅行必备lush!这个是lush的牙膏粒 我买的是有一点茉莉香味的 其他的基本都是很重的薄荷那种味道 因为lush家都是100%纯天然的植物构成的 所以用起来不仅效果好还放心 唯一不好的就是保质期的问题 但谁让人家是天然的呢为什么说这个牙膏粒是旅行必备呢 因为很方便啊!可以随身带上飞机 再也不用考虑牙膏会被扣下装不下漏出等等好多问题 只要拿一粒 放嘴里 嚼嚼嚼 然后嚼出泡沫以后就可以正常刷牙啦 真的很方便❤️来自官网❤️Who says toothpaste needs to be a paste at all? We’ve ditched the tube idea and invented a solid Toothy Tab instead! These great-tasting tabs don’t require any synthetic preservatives, are lightweight, travel-friendly and come in a recycled and recyclable cardboard box. Our formula of baking soda, kaolin clay and cleansing essential oils make for clean teeth, fresh breath and a brilliant smile.The Toothy Tabs come in seven different flavours including Sparkle, Aquatic, Dirty, Breath of God, Chou Chou… I love you, Ultrablast and Atomic. The packaging is 100% recycled cardboard therefore not contributing to the millions of aluminium or plastic tubes which end up in landfill each year. They are brilliant allies for travel as the little suckers only weigh 0.3g per tablet and 12g for an entire box, which equals more room for clothes and no issues with mL’s when flying. They’re overall a perfect companion for camping, festivals and travel and even if they’re not your thing and you prefer toothpaste, the novelty of them is quite entertaining.