
圣诞穿搭✨3 Looks!

商城:All For Color 2018-01-21
I'm getting ready for the Christmas, and you? Rock n roll me, party me and red me, which one do you prefer?圣诞装扮我准备好啦,你们呢?摇滚、派对、red,你们更喜欢哪一个我?Look 1⃣️:Print print print! If you wanna be rock n roll but not too over, never fogert using prints to balance! Love this dress from MISA Los Angeles for its prints and V-collar design. And my bag and boots all from Valentino. The rockstud elements balence the whole look between cool and sexy.如果你想摇滚但并不想酷过头了,别忘了使用印花元素来平衡

裙子来自Danity Paris,很喜欢它v领+印花的设计

靴子和包包都来自Valentino,同样的铆钉点缀让整体 look更加协调,摇滚但不失性感😜Look 2⃣️:Very fond of this red top Whether daily wearing or party look can be easily handled with this top. Like in my look, I have matched with a simple pair of jeans and it's alreday perfect. No mention that I have put on the red feautured mules high heel which is also the must-have of this winter to echo the red top. Since I know that the red color has its sepcial meaning in Chinese culture representing the good luck and you guys really fancy this color a lot, so I prepare this look for you.Danity Paris这件红色上衣,半透视➕大喇叭袖的设计非常性感和时尚🙈,而且缝合处都有加珍珠的装饰,又不失优雅,无论是日常还是party都能hold住,下半身我就随意穿了一条牛仔裤,再搭配了一双今年大热的毛毛高跟鞋👠,红色也正好呼应上半身,我知道红色在中国有特别的寓意,也象征好兆头,你们对红色也特别情有独钟,这套look非常喜庆,尤其适合圣诞和中国新年,所以专门准备了这套look给你们,你们喜欢吗?Look 3⃣️:wearing my lovely and cute dress from KAGE with special sloping shoulder design. Cute and sexy, the Bordeaux wine color with little stars' print✨are so fetival! If heading to a party, don't forget to add some jewelleries. In this look, I have put on the APM Monaco's stunning jewelries to light up the dress🎉.Feeling so lovely and happy!Party的装扮我选择了KAGE的小礼裙, 斜肩的设计很特别,可爱又不失小性感,酒红色加小星星的印花也特别映衬节日氛围🎄

如果参加Party的话,一定要用首饰来点缀自己,在这套 look里,我搭配了apm的耳饰,它的坠形正好和斜肩小礼裙相呼应,整套look都特别闪亮!✨平安夜圣诞节穿搭apm MONACO华伦天奴圣诞礼物圣诞节穿什么 @穿搭薯 @薯队长 @时髦小姐姐