

商城:World Wide Stereo 2018-01-21


Love what you love, don't ask questions.不要放弃,对自己的思索,对自己的真实

Never forget to reflect upon yourself, be truthful to yourself.何必执着,刻骨不过空欢喜

Why cling to unwanted love which brings about nothing but heartfelt woe?把自己交给繁忙,得到的是踏实,却不是真实

It will grant you a sense of certainty if you give yourself in to daily errands. Such certainty, however, is not real.这个世界缺的不是完美的人,而是从心底给出的真心,正义,无畏与同情

What the world lacks is virtue, righteousness, courage and sympathy, not perfectness.逝者已矣, 生者如斯

Ashes to ashes, treasure those around you.世界很美好,世道很艰难

It's a beautiful world, but our society is treacherous.你还没想好怎么过这一生,你就连命都没了

You lost your life before you figured out how to spend it.不是华北之大容不下一张平静的课桌,而是整个国家都危亡了,我们要去当兵

It's not because we couldn't study in the wide vast land of northern China but that our whole country is in danger. We should enlist.妈妈只希望你过上自己想要的幸福生活,平安

Mom only wants you to be happy and safe.世俗这样强大,强大到生不出改变它们的念头来

Our social norms are so strong that the sheer thought of changing it seems unfathomable.你的忙碌缺乏真实

Your dedication seems fake.如果你们提前了解了,你们要面对的人生,你们是否有勇气前来?If you learn about your future beforehand, will you have the courage to go on?