
配有奶粉格 Remax防漏運動水杯三色選擇 700ml

商城:Design Within Reach 2018-01-22
有紫色 綠色 粉紅色 選擇HK $80(包順豐速遞到順豐點/ 順便智能櫃取貨)請看附圖 了解更多·產品容量:700ml·產品材質:環保PP·產品特點:大容量/密封防漏/安全材質·產品尺寸:102* 254mm·產品顏色:紫紅色-配有攪拌動球-奶粉格-易握設計-輕便,易清洗-冇膠味[注意]高溫液體搖晃會使杯內壓力上升,導致瓶蓋衝開,請勿用熱水清洗,食品級PP5材質可耐高溫,但會因熱水受熱不均,造成杯體變型

飲用處的瓶蓋須用力關緊,會發出「咔」的一聲表示已蓋緊 注意: 請勿強力碰撞,以免撞傷瓶身,造成滲漏孩童使用時,請勿裝入過熱飲品,以避免導致燙傷Remax Shaker Bottle with Blender Ball-Blender Ball MixerInside-Easy-Grip Design-Ounce and Milliliter Marking-Stay-Open FlipTop-Easy to Clean-Large Drink/Pour Spout-Secure Screw-OnLid-Wide Opening for Ingredients-Fits in Most Car Drink Holders-NoElectricity or Batteries Required-700mlTo Use The Shaker:*Remove lid of shaker

*Remove innerstrainer

*Pour supplement powder into shaker

*Fill with the correctamount of water or your favorite juice

*Place inner strainer intoshaker

*Tighten shaker lid into place

*Place one finger on drinkingspout

*Shake until powder is adequately mixed and enjoy

Warnings Not for use with hot liquids

Hot or warm liquids(and other ingredients such as pancake batter, soda, etc

) may build up pressurewithin the bottle and cause flip top to open unexpectedly and spray contents

Open flip top with caution

Suggested Use Wash shaker thoroughly prior to use

Wash shakerimmediately after every use

增肥 腸胃 蛋白質 健身 Fitness gym 瑜珈 yoga 單車 bicycle Bike鍛煉 腹肌 跑步 背心 韓國 奶粉 增肌 智能 Whey Protein 胸肌 沙包 打拳 啞玲 沙拉 沙律 ShakerDressing Dispenser Fitness Water Bottles Shaker Cups