
英语学习 | Wimpy Kid【原创读书笔记整理】

商城:Clothes By Majestic 2018-03-09
翻出来好几年前读Wimpy Kid的英语学习笔记分类总结出了单词,词组,常用句型,表达方法等非常地道,实用



不如轻松愉快的学学怎么用最简单的单词,表达生活吧?宝宝早教这么做 英语学习 👇👇👇是这套书其中一本的将近一半内容的知识点总结,也不少了,希望大家觉得有用🤗【纯原创】wimpy 懦弱的convinced 确信的embarrassing 尴尬的disgusting 恶心的smelly 发臭的grand 豪华的extinct 灭绝的compassionate 同情的nasty 肮脏的’desperate for 极度渴望的headless 无头脑的;无领导者的inappropriate 不适当的as specific as possiblerealistic 逼真的virtual 虚拟的'terrified 恐惧的weird 怪异的fancy 昂贵的,精选的snazzy 华丽而俗气的queasy 呕吐的 ['kwiːzɪ]feel queasy 想吐throw up 吐gentle 温和的;文雅的more gentleoutdated 过时的argument-free 没有争吵的affectionate 亲热的hilarious 滑稽的 [hɪ'leərɪəs]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------wellstill 仍然,还是unfortunately anywayonce as soon assomehow 莫名其妙地even though 虽然sure enoughever since then 从那以后luckily suchreallyevenbarely 几乎不never 永不;从未ever 曾经;永远alwayscompletely finally exactly actually basically literally 不夸张地inevitably 不可避免的;必然的practically 几乎;事实上seriously probablytotally constantly 不断地hopefully never actuallyeven reallyeventually right there/ right before/ right outside the windoweither 也anywaythough--------------------------------------------------------------------------------读音:candy cane 拐棍糖 meany 小气鬼 ['mi:ni]miniatures 迷你版的商品 ['mɪnɪtʃə]legitimate 正统的;合法的 [lɪ'dʒɪtɪmət]auditorium 礼堂;观众席at recess 休息的时候 [rɪ'ses; 'riːses]under the radar 不在雷达范围内tune 曲调 [tjuːn]haunt 纠缠;栖息地,常去的地方 [hɔːnt]asylum 收容所 [ə'saɪləm]em’barrassed 尴尬的decoy 诱骗 ['diːkɒɪ; dɪ'kɒɪ]mansion 宅邸bowling alley 小巷 保龄球道outfits 全套装备’ancestor 祖先pew 教堂内的靠背长凳 [pjuː]slimy 泥泞的;谄媚的;虚伪的 [‘slaɪmɪ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------It’s no big deal
you are gonna pay for it
pay the price
I paid the price for it
我为之付出了代价I really don’t need Santa seeing me in my underwear

At first I didn’t want anything to do with it
I could be in trouble
I will bet…sometimes, I wonder… I kind of wonder… 有一点儿 想知道I’m just wondering… I’m starting to wonder if… 想知道是不是

to watch how kids behave举止端正 behave yourself as a way of getting him to behaveWell, I’m not a fan of that idea
同意I don’t really buy the idea that… 同意he had a total meltdown
突然崩溃;融化 thaw outjust so he could get his way
他可以如愿以偿 just so=if somy every move 我的一举一动every single daythe other day 几天前in the first place 起初later on 稍后for once 至少这一次by the time 在… 的时候over the weekend the amount of time the whole timeback then 当时any minute 马上 = anytimeTowards the end 即将结束的时候a couple of weeks agoat this pointby this point for some reasonbelieve it or notas usual people didn’t care what they had to do to win it
不择手段I’d had enough 我受够了but he surprised me what I was going through 我面临的问题I found out that he made a really excellent comic-book stand, too

as much back-up as we could getstay activekeep yourself occupiedkeep the door locked And it’s not like… ,either
It doesn’t help that… sometimes I can’t help myself

I do always remember never to stand on the furniture
I will admit that… 我承认

I have to admit, … I’m afraid… 我担心… = I’m worried… It’s driving me crazy not knowing what they are
I just don’t like not knowing what I’m getting for Christmas
to see if I could find out what they are getting me Mom got me a doll
I leave my gifts up to Mom 我让妈妈决定我的礼物you can buy her clotheskeep getting your pet new stuffMom brought us some books 带给/ 带来I pretended… 我假装

seems to I’m terrified by the idea that… 由于


I can’t argue with her there

(她说得对)One thing I know for sure is that… something tells me Mom felt the same waywhat you are supposed to doI’m sure he felt like a jerk
But he wouldn't go for it
The snow stayed where it was
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------cabin 客舱;小屋 cabin crew 航班空服人员Santa 圣诞老人Scout 侦察员sweatpants 宽松长运动裤grown-ups 大人们willies 小鸡鸡chill—a feeling of sudden fearbill=note 钞票ornaments 装饰品 =decorationsleverage 手段easter bunny 小兔子contest 竞赛protest against … by… 抗议slogan 标语cafeteria 餐厅riot 暴乱posters 海报bully 欺凌弱小的人victims 受害者poop 排便pee 尿尿nappies= diaper 尿布shortcut 捷径defence 防守sawdust 撒木屑的pit 深坑swing set 秋千seesaw 跷跷板monkey barsbalance beam 平衡木idiot 白痴soccer 英式足球helmet 头盔(动词用wear)test-takermultiplication facts 乘法(动词: times 乘)collarbone 锁骨subject 主题a tiny little tear 裂缝;眼泪 tear up 极其悲伤的slit 裂缝plastic case 塑料盒hut 小屋  Pizza Hut / Game Hutclerk 店员items 物品productshawk 鹰trace 踪迹  追踪bump 肿块;隆起物  碰撞;颠簸lump 肿块,块hump 圆形隆起物;驼背grapefruit 葡萄柚bonus 奖金tokens 代币a certain number of tokensa certain number of timestonsils 扁桃体 get my tonsils outa normal gift 正常的;标准的store-bought presents 商店买的礼物hand-knitted blanket real live person 活的volleyball 排球a fair deal 公平的交易commercials 商业广告trampoline 蹦床;弹簧垫 [‘træmpəliːn]trampoline shoesjunky prizes 品质低劣的 worthlesstrap 陷阱 设陷阱 诱捕walkathons 步行马拉松(尤指为特定事业筹款而进行的)lap 圈 轻拍billboard 广告牌;布告板anguish 痛苦pebble 卵石lawn ornaments 草地装饰品pickup truck 小卡车hose 软管nozzle 喷嘴sprinkler 喷洒器-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ● let sb
do sth
= to allow sb
to do sth
 let myself get bullied by a kidbut let me just say… let us sit downlet me move on to second grade ● make sb
do sth
 = to force sb
to do sth
 made sb
promise to make sb
feel better ● have sb
do sth
= ask sb
to do sth
 had us sell raffle tickets 彩票have some kid walk round a football fieldhave the kids clean up the town park insteadask him to come over ask someone to pay for… have sb
watching sth
 had that thing wrapped round me  ● get sb
to do sth
= to convince to do sth
说服                            =  to trick sb
into doing sth
哄骗get us to remember sth
 get our neighbours to sponsor us for each lap we complete-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ● whip 抽whip out 掏出;突然拿出whip through 很快做完 ● stick 棍子stick out 突起物get stuck with 陷入;被迫接受be                   each other 被迫接受对方stuck in the mud 被陷入泥中 ● stink 恶臭;异味  惹人讨厌stink out 用臭味赶出stink about 令人厌恶 ● skunk 臭鼬;讨厌鬼look forward to doingin a row 连续;连在一起的stress me out 紧张creeps me out 抓狂 was going through=check 翻找report back tojust in case 以防万一put up 建造set up accountline up 排队hit up 请求show up 露面woke up 醒来take a naptake a breaktake off 溜走;飞机起飞took sb
a while to took … awayfly offtick off 勾上set off 出发 head tostart off 开始drop sb
off 让sb
下车got off 下车;离开day off from school 休息日be worse off 情况更坏found out 发现ratted out 丢面子后离开rat 老鼠back out 退出keep an eye on mekeep sb
in line 让sb
保持守规矩,听话keep lookout 监视be disappointed in sb
 be held back 被阻止be pregnant with 怀着sb
 be bothered by sth
介意/ 耿耿于怀be about to 正打算move on to come up with 想出come up with an ideacome up with the dare 挑战give up on the darespun out of control 完全失控了 spin 晕眩step in 干预;踩上the message is getting through to hima bunch of 很多;一群get picked on 被欺负 pick on 欺负=get bullied get attentionget harassed by sb
厌烦的;疲倦的get chased 被追赶get a little wound up sometimes 兴奋的got too scared to come downget hurt on sth
 get caught with sth
捕捉get ’confiscated 充公get around by speed-walkingget carried away 得意忘形get on my nerves 心烦意乱;神经紧张get away 离开;逃脱get paranoid 多疑的;恐惧的;妄想狂get one’s revenge on sb
报复got up 起来got the hang of 熟悉


的窍门got attached to 开始依恋… got homegot to my housegot into a huge argument about… got stiffed 被耍了get ready for end up doing 以… 而告终end up being friendsstop sth
drying out by doing sth
 count as 算作put a stop to sth… 制止

 work out 解决;锻炼(身体)next to in front of from top to bottomchase sb
with sth
带着sth 追赶 sbto toughen up 变强壮at my age 在我这个年纪的时候burst into tears 突然哭起来call up 打电话给;召集come overbe mad at sb
 set sb
back $$ 使sb
花费 $$used to 过去经常slow sb
down 让sb
慢下来align withbe in a line withbe in accordance within tune 与

一致be jealous of 嫉妒due to 由于an inability to 无能ask for 请求;要求ask someone for moneyslip out and roll on to the floor chew sb
out 严厉责骂chew 咀嚼;深思replace … with… figure out 想出;解决passed away 死了典当 pawn 

off on sb
使(自己不想要的人或物)脱手【表不满】Are you trying to pawn me off on sb
?to interact with sb
                         one anothershut off the machine 关掉;切断shut down 关闭 the laptop stay up late 熬夜fill in the blanks 填写= fill outlook it up himself 让他自己看flip to 翻到chicken out 临阵退缩steer the conversation back to roll around 周而复始 before the summer rolls aroundbe attached tospray down leaning up agains--------------------------------------------------------------------------------伸展 stretch   =period trip 绊倒;旅行数字;人物形象 figure   =thinkpaint 美化;油漆供给;喂养 feed sb
information about mefull-scale 规模;天平assembly 集会;装配tricks 技巧;捉弄,欺骗once 曾经;一旦;一次skip 跳跃;跳过;遗漏sore 恼火的;疼的send 派遣;寄信braces 背带;(牙齿)矫正器--------------------------------------------------------------------------------a nervous wreck 破坏get wrecked 毁坏的in that category 种类 (是那一类人)           catalogue 目录jerk=yank 猛地一拉jerky 牛肉干crab apple 野苹果crab 螃蟹wing 翅膀swing 秋千;摇摆pinch 捏sniff 吸气声,抽泣;嗅accuse 指责mean 低劣的,卑鄙的tease 戏弄squish 挤扁;咯吱声pin 压住;钉住  大头针twist 拧;扭动wrist 手腕hold it there 保持不动confront 面对;正视(困难局面)to confront his momconvince 说服shove 推挤 someone shoved him from behinddistract 分心snap 突然折断sue 控诉bug 打扰prance 欢腾gallop 飞奔overlook 忽略annoy 惹恼slide 滑落 slid the box out (撕掉包装纸)把盒子拿出来slice 切开taped it closed 用带子捆扎notice 注意到remove 拿走;移动open it back up 重新打开reserve 预定;保留coordinate 协调cooperate 合作scratch 抓abandon 放弃trash 丢弃rot 腐烂rub some dirt 擦;摩擦outrun 跑得比

快;从…逃脱to kneel 跪下start giggling 咯咯地笑start afresh 重新开始shovel 铲除plough 耕 [plaʊ]👇👇👇戳,链接🔗 良心推荐-英国孩子们的最爱 之前发过,此次补发 Wimpy Kid 全英文读物,标注的是适合九岁以上 带插图的大人写的小孩儿日记 主人公一家有五口人,爸爸,妈妈,哥哥,弟弟,自己 讲述的是美国小孩子的日常生活 特别搞笑,我自己特别爱看,原来上大学的时候随手在超市买的 英国大大小小的超市常年出售,经常打折 小孩子们几乎人手一套


词汇够简单,够日常 句子表达清晰明了 可以说是用最普通的词语,形象地表达各种日常生活 可以学习到很多地道的,词典查不到的表达方法 同时也推荐给大人们


生动有趣 学习地道常用的表达 有关英语学习,可以留言,需要的人多的话,我开新帖 对了

之前答应大家的英语总结,我找到了,但是在有道词典里,有人知道怎么拷贝出来吗? 以上

英语学习 宝宝早教这么做 @辣妈成长日记 @薯宝宝 我姓Ban白羊座 31次赞 84次收藏